Van Dyke Technologies, Inc.(에서 제작한 SecureCRT는 강력한 기능성에 보안기능까지 첨가된 텔넷 프로그램입니다. 11월 8일 릴리즈 되었으며 30일동안 이용 가능합니다.
SecureCRT는 CRT에서 제공되던 기본 기능에 SSH1, SSh2, Telnet, rlogin, serial, TAPI 등의 프로토콜을 지원합니다. SSH2는 패스우드를 통한 암호 증명과 Public Key 인증과 함께 AES, 3DES, RC4, Blowfish, Twofish 암호를 제공합니다. 또한, VT100, VT102, VT220, Linux 등과 ANSI 터미널 에물레이션 연결이 가능하고 한글문자에 대한 지원과 ANSI 컬러가 지원이 됩니다.
- 원거리 사이트 접근
- ANSI 컬러를 지원
- 다양한 터미널 모드 지원(VT100, VT102, VT220 과 ANCI 터미널)
- Zmodem, Xmodem 파일 전송
- Visual Basic Script 지원
- Microsoft Java script 지원
- 키보드 특정키를 원하는 것으로 정의
- Added support for Ubuntu Linux 11.10. 32-bit and 64-bit installers are available.
- Added support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0. 32-bit and 64-bit installers are available.
- If the default session was edited and the changes were written to all sessions, the logon actions were set to the default for all SSH2 sessions regardless of whether or not the logon actions had been changed.
- If a script was running in a tabbed session and the tab was closed while the script was running, a script cancel error was reported.
- With the "Show confirm disconnect dialog" option on, if a script was running and "Disconnect" was selected from the menu or toolbar and then the disconnect operation was cancelled, the script was stopped anyway.
- Telnet: When CTRL+S was used to suspend output, the CPU usage went to 100%.
- Mac/Linux: If the Public Key Assistant was used to generate a DSA key in OpenSSH key format and then upload the key file, the file had 0644 permissions instead of 0600 permissions, which meant that OpenSSH refused to use it.
- Mac/Linux: If a license field, such as Name or Company Name, contained more than one line of text, the license was accepted, but could not be used when SecureCRT restarted.
- Mac: on a system that previously had SecureCRT installed, after upgrading to OS X Lion, SecureCRT could not save license information.
- Mac: on OS X Lion, the prompt for making SecureCRT the default Telnet application continued to be displayed when SecureCRT restarted after answering "Yes" to the prompt.
- Mac: With the "Autoreconnect" option on, when a session connected through a forwarded port established by another session and a local session was also connected, if the sessions became disconnected, they did not reconnect automatically.
- Linux: After exiting a local shell session, an I/O error was reported.
- Linux: It was not possible to store passwords using the Password Properties dialog.
SecureCRT v6.7.3 32비트 다운로드
SecureCRT v6.7.3 64비트 다운로드
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