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IT 자격증/리눅스마스터 및 LPIC

LPI 업데이트: LPIC-2, LPIC-3 변경, 리눅스 채용 정보 및 이벤트

럭키맨 운수 2012. 9. 18. 23:54

9월 14일 LPI 협회의 Scott Lamberton 님이 보내주신 공지 메일 내용입니다. LPI는 내년에 LPIC-2와 LPIC-3 시험을 대폭 개선 할 예정입니다. 변경사항은 다음과 같습니다.


LPI Update: LPIC-2/LPIC-3 Changes, Linux "Jobs" and Events


1. Upcoming Changes to LPIC-2 and LPIC-3


Following extensive consultations with industry representatives andLinux professionals, LPI will make substantial changes to both LPIC-2and LPIC-3 in the coming year. These include the following:

- Move Capacity Planning and OpenLDAP server essentials out of LPIC-3 into LPIC-2- Merge remaining 301/302 topics into a "new" 300 exam- the addition of new technologies into a "new" 300 exam

- ability to obtain a LPIC-3 designation through successful completionof any one of the 300 level exams (i.e. the new "LPI-300" exam or theexisting LPI-303 or LPI-304 exams)


Please note the following:

- Publication of new LPIC-2 exams (based on new objectives) will beavailable in the Spring of 2013- Publication of the new LPI-300 exam (based on new objectives) will beavailable in the Summer of 2013

- Existing LPI-301 and LPI-302 exams will only be available until theend of 2013

- Existing holders of LPIC-3 certification (or the LPI-302 "speciality") will continue to have their certifications remain "active" as per LPI'srecertification policy (#6 at http://www.lpi.org/linux-certifications/policies)


Those preparing for their LPIC-2 and LPIC-3 certification exams areadvised to do so as soon as possible before these expected changes takeplace later in 2013.


For detailed information on the upcoming changes to LPIC-2 and LPIC-3 please see:



2. LPI and Open Source "jobs" at oDesk


LPI is pleased to introduce oDesk – the world’s largest and fastestgrowing online workplace -- which will provide LPI alumni access tohundreds of contract job opportunities.


oDesk (https://www.odesk.com) has invited LPI alumni to join selectLPIC groups for potential contracting positions.


Hundreds of Linux jobs are currently available, with companies acrossthe globe using oDesk to find and hire IT pros. oDesk providesbusinesses with a secure and reliable platform to find, hire, and managean online workforce.


Contractors are guaranteed payment for hours logged on the oDeskplatform. once hired and paid, oDesk charges a fee equivalent to 10% ofthe total amount charged to your client.


For more information on how oDesk works and how you may participate inan LPIC oDesk group see:



3. LPI @ SUSECon and the OpenSUSE Summit


LPI invites everyone to join us at SUSECon and the OpenSUSE SummitSeptember 18-23, Orlando, Florida. We will be hosting exam labs, information sessions and a booth during these upcoming events. For moreinformation see:



Please note that special conference discounts are available for theseevents for anyone with a registered LPI ID. Please contact LPI at info@lpi.org if you are interested in obtaining conference discounts.


4. LPI @ Ohio LinuxFest


Please join LPI representatives at the 10th Anniversary Ohio LinuxFest,September 28-30, 2012 (Columbus, Ohio). In addition to our regular promotional exam labs, LPI will also host featured speaking sessions andan information booth. For more information see:
