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깔끔하고 안정적인 텔넷 SecureCRT v7.0.3 32/64비트

럭키맨 운수 2013. 3. 15. 22:23


VanDyke Software, Inc.(http://www.vandyke.com)에서 제작한 SecureCRT는 강력한 기능성에 보안기능까지 첨가된 텔넷 프로그램입니다. 1월 17일 릴리즈 되었으며 30일동안 이용 가능합니다.


SecureCRT는 CRT에서 제공되던 기본 기능에 SSH1, SSh2, Telnet, rlogin, serial, TAPI 등의 프로토콜을 지원합니다. SSH2는 패스우드를 통한 암호 증명과 Public Key 인증과 함께 AES, 3DES, RC4, Blowfish, Twofish 암호를 제공합니다. 또한, VT100, VT102, VT220, Linux 등과 ANSI 터미널 에물레이션 연결이 가능하고 한글문자에 대한 지원과 ANSI 컬러가 지원이 됩니다.




- 원거리 사이트 접근

- ANSI 컬러를 지원

- 다양한 터미널 모드 지원(VT100, VT102, VT220, ANCI 터미널)

- Zmodem, Xmodem 파일 전송

- Visual Basic Script 지원

- Microsoft Java script 지원

- 키보드 특정키를 원하는 것으로 정의




- In the Connect dialog, if a folder was renamed to a string that ended in one or more "." characters, the sessions in the folder were deleted.
- Opening the default session in a script caused SecureCRT to crash.
- If the "Automate logon" items for a session were re-ordered, the changes were not saved.
- If "/Serial" or "/Tapi" (Windows only) was specified on the command line, it was not honored.
- If a session that contained ANSI color text in the scrollback was disconnected and reconnected, the ANSI color attributes were no longer in the scrollback.
- When enough tabs were open to require the scroll control on the tab bar, if the right-most tab was activated and renamed, the tab bar shifted to the left and the active tab was no longer visible.
- Serial: The stop bits were not logged correctly in the trace output.
- SSH1/SSH2: If a session used a dynamic tunnel on port 10080 and another SSH1/SSH2 session went through the first session's SOCKS proxy and used a dynamic tunnel on port 1080, SecureCRT crashed when data went through the second tunnel.
- Windows: When switching between tiled and tabbed sessions in a maximized window, the terminal area was 24x80 instead of the full window area.
- Windows: If the global option "Minimize to Activator in system tray" was set and SecureCRT was closed, if "Connect" was selected from the Activator menu, the icons in the Connect dialog were not mapped to the correct actions.
- Mac: The session option "Use ALT as meta key" was not always honored.
- Mac: If the global option "Host key database location" was changed to a different path, the new path was not saved.
- Mac: If a session prompted for a log file, after the file location was selected, focus did not return to the SecureCRT window.


SecureCRT v7.0.3 32비트 다운로드

SecureCRT v7.0.3 64비트 다운로드