VMware, Inc.(http://www.vmware.com)에서 제작한 VMware Workstation은 데스크탑을 위한 강력한 가상 머신 소프트웨어입니다.
4월 17일 릴리즈되었습니다.
파워 유저들에게 최적화된 VMware Workstation은 하나의 PC 상에서 완벽한 네트워크를 지원하며, 이식성있는 가상 머신을 통해 Microsoft Windows, Linux, Novell NetWare 등을 포함한 여러개의 운영체제들을 동시에 사용할 수 있게 해줍니다. VMware Workstation은 현재 시중에 출시된 다른 어떤 가상머신 소프트웨어들 보다 강력한 기능성, 뛰어난 유연성, 더욱 다양해진 선택권을 제공해 줍니다.
우분투 리눅스에서 설치 방법은 터미널에서 sudo sh VMware-Workstation-Full-10.0.2-1744117.i386.bundle 입력합니다.
- 스냅샷 기능: VMware Workstation은 운영 시스템의 상황을 시간별로 복사 저장할 수 있으며 스냅샷을 지정한 시점으로 복원 기능을 지원
- 가상머신 탭: 빠른 변환 모드를 지원하여, 간단한 마우스 클릭으로 가상머신들 사이를 이동하며 작업할 수 있음
- 16개의 가상 프로세서와 64GB의 메모리 지원
- 8TB 디스크와 새로운 가상 SATA 디스크 컨트롤러 지원
- USB 3.0 스트림을 지원하여 파일 빠른 복사가 가능
- 20개의 가상 네트워크를 지원하며 SSD passthrough 가능
- Linux 사용자들을 위한 인터페이스가 완전히 새롭게 업그레이드되어, Windows 버전의 VMware Workstation과 동일한 인터페이스를 제공
- Better audio performance and compatibility with certain USB audio/video devices.
The compatibility and performance of USB audio and video devices with virtual machines has been improved.
- USB devices can be connected to the Linux RHEL 5 guest operating system.
Resolved an issue that prevents a USB device from being connected to Linux RHEL 5 guest operating system.
- Windows 8.1 Update 1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 are supported as guest operating system through easy install.
Easy installation option supports Windows 8.1 Update 1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 as a guest operating system.
- OpenSUSE 13.1 is officially supported as a host operating system.
OpenSUSE 13.1 is now supported as a host operating system.
- Blueray drives can burn CDs when connected to the virtual machine.
Resolved an issue causing burning CDs with Blueray drives to fail while connected to the virtual machine.
- Using Microsoft Word and Excel in unity mode no longer produces a beep.
Resolved an issue that caused using Microsoft Word and Excel in unity mode causes a beep.
- The UAC dialog of the Windows 8 virtual machine no longer causes the host application windows to be blanked out on Linux Host.
Resolved an issue causing host application windows to be blanked out in the UAC dialog on the Linux host of the Windows 8 virtual
- The sound card can be automatically added to a virtual machine on a Linux host at power up.
Resolved an issue that prevented the Sound Card from being automatically added to the VM when powering on the virtual machine
on a Linux host.
- Windows 8.1 guest operating system no longer display a black screen when launching Metro style applications from the launch
Resolved an issue that could cause a Windows 8.1 guest operating system to display a black screen when launching Metro style
applications in the launch menu.
- Hotkeys can be used in the Preference dialog in KVM mode.
Resolved a hotkey conflict in the Preference dialog of the KVM mode.
- Improved compatibility of GL renderer with new Nvidia drivers.
Resolved a compatibility issue of GL renderer with some new Nvidia drivers.
- Improved graphics quality with Solidworks applications.
Resolved graphics errors with for Solidworks applications.
- Virtual machines imported from a physical PC no longer crash on startup.
Resolved an issue causing virtual machines imported from a physical PC to crash on startup.
- Reading and writing to a file using two threads with a shared folder has been improved.
Resolved an issue about shared folder when the user read and write file using two threads.
- Linux virtual machines access updated contents when using shared folders.
Resolved an issue that caused Linux virtual machines to see stale file contents when using shared folders.
- Improved performance of the virtual machine using the E1000e adapter.
Resolved the virtual machine performance issues when using the E1000e adapter.
- Workstation now launches on Ubuntu 14.04.
Resolved an issue preventing Workstation from starting on Ubuntu 14.04.
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